My random nonsense.
As I sat here pondering why I have been neglecting blogging…I have come up with multiple reasons. Stupid Reason #1, “I’ve been too busy.” **pathetic answer.** Reason #2 **still pretty pathetic** “We’ve been traveling and have had visitors.” Slightly more reasonable reason #3, **best reason I could come up with**, “I have found us easing into the Italian way of life, and apparently forgot that everyone back home does not find this way of life “normal” and also considered the possibility that maybe you all miss my random blabbering. But came to the conclusion that this situation was highly unlikely as well.” This said, none of my reasons are good enough and therefore I should be blogging more. I am going to try to do one a week at the least, until I return home. Fingers crossed, I don’t forget or wait too long, or procrastinate too much! Okay, okay, I’ll stop boring you guys with the reason why I haven’t been blogging and get on with the stuff you...